Horses are spruced up for tournaments in particular. Manes are woven in and some horses have patterns brushed into their fur. However, a red ribbon in the tail has nothing to do with decorating the horse. It warns the other riders to be careful at events and means: keep your distance, this horse will kick out from time to time. Some horses just don’t like it when others get too close to them. Abstand halten, dieses Pferd tritt schon mal aus. Manche Pferde mögen es eben einfach nicht, wenn ihnen andere zu nahe kommen.

Every now and then you can see different colored bows. A blue or yellow ribbon in the tail indicates a stallion, a white one: the horse is for sale.
Tail ribbons at public events are known all over the world

Red – horse kicks
Blue – attention stallion
Yellow – aggressive gelding or stallion
Green – young, inexperienced horse
White – horse is for sal